HTTP events represents requests made over the network via the HTTP protocol.


|Action|Description| |—|—| |get|The event corresponding to an HTTP GET request.| |post|The event corresponding to an HTTP POST request.| |put|The event corresponding to an HTTP PUT request.| |tunnel|The event corresponding to an HTTP TUNNEL request.|


|Field|Description|Example| |—|—|—| hostname|hostname on which the request was seen.|HOST1 http_version|HTTP version that is specified in the header.|1.1 request_body_bytes|Integer value corresponding to the total number of bytes in the request.|180 request_body_content|Body of the HTTP request; usually specifies the exact content being requested.| request_referrer|The URL from which the request was referred, if applicable.| requester_ip_address|IP address from which the request was made.| response_body_bytes|Integer value corresponding to the total number of bytes in the response.|2910 response_body_content|Content of the response (does not include header).| response_status_code|HTTP protocol status code in response header|200 url_domain|Domain portion of the URL.| url_full|URL to which the HTTP request was sent| url_remainder|the path after the root domain|/about/corporate-overview url_scheme|type of user that initiated the request.|https user_agent_device|Device type from which request was made, identified by user_agent substring|SM-G930VC (Samgsung Galaxy S7) user_agent_full|User agent string associated with the request|HOST1\LOCALUSER1 user_agent_name|The user agent through which the request was made.|Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G930VC Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/58.0.3029.83 Mobile Safari/537.36 user_agent_version|User Agent Version. Note that some User Agent strings may not label versions in the same way.|4.0

Coverage Map

hostname http_version request_body_bytes request_body_content request_referrer requester_ip_address response_body_bytes response_body_content response_status_code url_domain url_full url_remainder url_scheme user_agent_device user_agent_full user_agent_name user_agent_version