CAR-2020-11-008: MSBuild and msxsl
Trusted developer utilities such as MSBuild may be leveraged to run malicious code with elevated privileges. This analytic looks for any instances of msbuild.exe, which will execute any C# code placed within a given XML document; and msxsl.exe, which processes xsl transformation specifications for XML files and will execute a variaty of scripting languages contained within the XSL file. Both of these executables are rarely used outside of Visual Studio.
ATT&CK Detections
Technique | Subtechnique(s) | Tactic(s) | Level of Coverage |
Trusted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution | MSBuild | Defense Evasion | High |
D3FEND Techniques
ID | Name |
D3-PSA | Process Spawn Analysis |
Data Model References
Object | Action | Field |
process | create | exe |
process | create | image_path |
Pseudocode - msbuild (Pseudocode, CAR native)
This is a pseudocode representation of the below splunk search.
processes = search Process:Create
target_processes = filter processes where (
(exe="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\*\bin\MSBuild.exe" OR exe="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework*\msbuild.exe" OR exe="C:\users\*\appdata\roaming\microsoft\msxsl.exe") AND
image_path!="*Microsoft Visual Studio*")
output target_processes
Splunk Search - msbuild (Splunk, Sysmon native)
Looks for all instances of msbuild.exe or msxsl.exe
(index=__your_sysmon_index__ EventCode=1) (Image="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\*\\bin\\MSBuild.exe" OR Image="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework*\\msbuild.exe" OR Image="C:\\users\\*\\appdata\\roaming\\microsoft\\msxsl.exe") ParentImage!="*\\Microsoft Visual Studio*")
LogPoint Search - msbuild (Logpoint, LogPoint native)
Looks for all instances of msbuild.exe or msxsl.exe
norm_id=WindowsSysmon event_id=1 (image IN ["C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\*\bin\MSBuild.exe", "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework*\msbuild.exe", "C:\Users\*\appdata\roaming\microsoft\msxsl.exe") -parent_image="*\Microsoft Visual Studio*")